Every single lovely lady featured on this page had her own issues and reasons for having a boudoir experience. Every single lovely lady said they hated this about themselves, or that about themselves. She didn’t really believe she could be made to look and feel gorgeous (let alone look amazing on the front of a magazine!).
The fact that they all allowed me to make these little videos for publicity purposes – and I have dozens more – speaks volumes.
They all view themselves differently now.. The all feel positive, confident and more comfortable in their skin.
What will yours look like?
To find out more about an empowering, liberating and confidence building boudoir experience fill out your contact details using the links below . You too can see how beautiful you really are -let us help . It’s a heap of fun and you will get something amazing at the end of it !
Claire – “I have NEVER connected the word sexy to myself …..”
Jenny -“I call myself ugly – I struggle to let anyone take any photos of me for fear of what they might turn out like…..”
Dawn-“I am very shy and have very little confidence and there are parts of my body I’m not happy with”.
Fiona – “I’m very self conscious about my looks – I feel uncomfortable most days with how I look ….”
Helen-“The best Christmas present ever! – My husbands words when I presented him with my Boudoir shoot album. Is that really me – my words when I was shown the photos by Sharon. What an amazing experience it was“
Ann -“not bad for an ‘Old Bird’, if I say so myself …. ;)”