50 over 50 Project ~ Chapter Three ~ Barbara

WHAT IS YOUR MOST TREASURED POSSESSION? My relationship with my partner. A physical reminder of this is the cross and chain he gave me when I was 21 and somehow represents “us” – it appears in many photos over the years and is like my talisman.



At the time, a music centre and writing the cheque for that – I shook for a good while afterwards having spent the grand sum of £300 – it was 1977!

Can’t think of anything other than having a new car every 3 years.

AND FINALLY…..HOW DID YOU FEEL AFTER YOUR 50 OVER 50 BOUDOIR SHOOT? It was brilliant. A lot of fun preparing for the event ( a couple of “fashion shows”!) and then the actual shoot was so much fun and I didn’t feel in the slightest bit nervous – may not have relaxed the shoulders all the time but heigh ho. Would certainly do again and encourage others to do have a similar photoshoot




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