“A slouchy sweater and a bit of pixie dust – you girls are amazing” – these were the words a client used after her boudoir photoshoot. She had walked in feeling nervous, anxious and definitely of the opinion that she would be the only one who wouldn’t be transformed by our boudoir experience.
Well – she happily admitted she was wrong. She literally floated out of my front door wearing the biggest smile, looking all glammed up and was so transformed from the lady who had walked in just a few hours earlier.
So what did we do?
On paper it shouldn’t work. Let’s take someone who is already of low self esteem, hates photos of herself and dislikes being the centre of attention and persuade her that a boudoir photoshoot will change the way she sees herself. What – pose in front of a stranger – in your underwear!!!! I don’t think so!!! Not in a million years!!
But we have promised that we can make the experience one of the best ones of your life. The one that WILL transform the way you view yourself. Now I have very many doubtful women book my boudoir experience in the hope that we can change them.
At the beginning of the year I asked for a handful of women to come and try a boudoir photoshoot experience – for free. I wanted to try a different concept. One where they could try the boudoir experience, where they would allow me to use their photos for publicity – but the difference was I asked them to bring a slouchy sweater.
A slouchy sweater for a boudoir photoshoot? Seriously?
Well yes. Because its not really about what you wear. Its about how you feel. How with a little bit of pixie dust (our secret ingredient!) clever posing and lots of encouragement these ladies suddenly start to feel and see that they are equally as beautiful as anyone else they have ever seen on a magazine cover.
Or on Instagram or Facebook. Without the need for a heavy snapchat filter to hide them. I wanted to get away from the perception that boudoir is somehow seedy, or page 3 stuff. (People still have very set ideas about it believe me!!)
The feedback I got from these fabulous ladies was amazing. Heartwarming. Encouraging. This has made me believe that every woman who has lost her self belief can benefit from this extraordinary form of photography.
I went to see a spiritualist the other day (don’t judge me!). It was interesting that she picked up that I was artistic (hmmm not sure about that despite being a photographer!) but there was also a strong sense was that I was a counsellor!
That stunned me as literally every woman has said that after the shoot. That its been therapeutic – like being to see a counsellor. But with the benefit of getting a dozen or so fabulous photos of themselves to remind them how gorgeous they actually are. There is a reason I have a box of tissues beside my computer. When women come to view – and see their slideshow – they cry. Pretty much all of the time. Let me hasten to add it is with good tears!!!
So that’s it – a slouchy sweater and little bit of pixie dust

Who knew. You can go and have a photoshoot anywhere. You will probably get some pretty pictures aswell. But it would appear that we have something a little bit more – something really special. That’s not me saying that. This is what my clients are saying. Who are all being encouraged to bring a slouchy sweater now. I call it their comfort blanket. For what its worth – every single client does bring some pretty underwear. They happily pose in it after the slouchy sweater shots! So we can’t be that scary after all!
What will yours look like?
So – do you want a little bit of confidence and pixie dust in your life? What have to got to lose? Try us out! I only ask for the session fee to be paid up front (I have to pay my make up artist somehow!!) – after that its up to you whether you want to purchase any photos or not.
Hit the contact form below. Lets make a difference to you
Do it now. I PROMISE you will feel amazing.
And you WILL love your photos. I have dozens of testimonials to prove it- just listen to Annie whose photos are in the video above: