How can boudoir possibly build confidence? Surely if you take someone with very little confidence, who probably has never had a photo she likes in her life and ask her to pose in front of a strange photographer in some lingerie …… that’s got to be everyone’s worst nightmare? Put like that – yes it sounds horrendous. But reading reviews women are intrigued. Seeing the sparkling results of gorgeous ladies creates a hidden “well maybe – just maybe – I can look like that?” so on hope and a little bit of bravado she signs up for a shoot.
Then comes the panic. The terror. What if I am the one they can’t do anything with? What’s going to happen? I hate my tummy? I hate everything about me! What do I wear – oh god why did I even think this was a great idea?? I must have been mad!! I know – I’ll cancel. Oh no! I’ve told my best friend – she’s telling me not to be so stupid. I feel sick.
And so the doubts and the agony continues. It’s a wonder I get any clients at all. But thankfully most do turn up (usually encouraged by family and friends) Most stand on my doorstep shaking with nerves. I get it. I really do. It’s a big brave thing to do actually – you are at your most vulnerable.
But what if I said within 10 minutes you are relaxed and starting to really have the time of your life? What if I said at the end of it you don’t want it to stop? That you now say it was the best day ever? Well I would say that wouldn’t I? It’s my job.
But what if you read the actual words from my last 6 clients? Join my private VIP group Ballerina Fingers and you will see these are all real comments from women who felt just like you. It truly is amazing how boudoir builds confidence and excitement like this. It really is one of the best investments you will ever make for yourself. All these women can;t be wrong – can they?? These boudoir confidence quotes are are copied and pasted from the group exactly as they wrote them just after the shoot.
OMG what a wonderful day I had yesterday, from walking through the front door I felt like I was ready to be transformed . I was no longer “Liza , wife,mother, nana, & carer.” I was ME ! . Thank you Sharon & Katie you are both amazing & truly gifted in you jobs. Can’t wait to see you soon for my viewing x
2. ZOE
I just HAVE to share these amazing pictures.
Thank you so much Sharon, again, for making me feel like a million dollars. I look at these pictures every day to remind myself that I am beautiful.
The shoot day was a mixture of emotions. From being petrified and feeling physically sick before entering your house, to having fun and telling my life story to Katie (thank you for listening!!). Then lifting my dress up whilst chatting (seriously shy extrovert right here),and being the first to wear that beautiful blue gown.
I had so much fun, the serious faces were more tough than the massive smiles. I didn’t once feel like a stranger, it felt like I had known you both ages, which was incredible..especially when I was showing everything I have
Then I came to view the photos. Those nerves reappeared, I was worried that all I would see would be my lumps and bumps. Which, I did, I saw them all. And I LOVED THEM! They are me, they tell my story, they show how far I’ve come as a woman. And its about time that I embraced them, and flaunted them.
The photos speak for themselves really.
If anyone is still questioning if this is for them… just do it!! After, you will wonder why you hadn’t done it sooner.

OMG!!!! just when I thought I couldn’t feel any more amazing, I see my images and absolutely cried.
Looking at the pictures, one thing I noticed was…not one of them looked like a mum,wife or carer. They all had a beautiful, gorgeous, confident and sexy lady featured in them and at first I couldn’t believe it was me. After having Sharon’s help I will have a beautiful album filled with amazing memories so when i have down days,I can just grab my album and see how far I’ve come.
so pleased that I finally did it after a year of cancelling and things happening…so important ladies to make time for yourself and to show yourself the love that you show others.

Had my boudoir experience today!! Was so so nervous about it all but as soon as I walked in I instantly felt comfortable. My nerves went away and I relaxed into it. Sharon and Katie did an amazing job at making me feel comfortable and covering my not so nice bits and literally made me feel so confident I didn’t want to put my clothes back on just go with it and trust them. Thankyou so much can’t wait to see my pics xx
Just gone to view my pictures and holy f*$#*^g moly! I’m literally blown away!
Completely exceeded all expectations!
Hi, I just wanted to echo some of the recent posts. Being a wife and mum of 3, I have had zero confidence in myself for so long now. Thanks to Katie and Sharon, they made me feel beautiful and confident. The highlight for me was going home after my photoshoot to my husband and kids all saying: wow mummy you look beautiful . Am really looking forward to back to view my pictures soon. I would definitely recommend this to everyone xx