I am a community nurse and work full time.
I think the best thing about being my age is having a better understanding of myself and what I need to keep myself well and happy.
I lost a baby, then adopted two children which eventually led to the breakdown of my marriage and I lost everything. This was a very low point in my life. My mental health suffered, with low confidence and self esteem and I had some toxic relationship choices. Eventually they tool their toll and I had a complete breakdown just over a year and a half ago. I received some amazing help to re learn new tactics to help myself feel stronger, in control and able to make better life choices to keep well and happy. I am now in the best place I have ever been.
My greatest achievement is being a mother, from a distance, to two very complex adopted children, despite all the prejudice and obstacles that have been placed in our way.
Buying a phase eight dress almost 16 years ago for £110. I have worn it so many times and always get compliments.
Physically… my hair…. I wish I had thick hair….its my biggest hang up.
Mentally… I wish I was able to stick up for myself more and tell people what I want without feeling guilty
Empathy and kindness…. I’m told often by my colleagues that this is what they love the most about me.