Meet Lisa. At 5ft 1″ , size 24 and mum of 3 adorable but very lively small children her energy and confidence levels were at rock bottom. She’s had a difficult few years with health. She recognised she was neglecting herself and – in her own words- “felt fat and frumpy” However, when the opportunity to have a plus size boudoir shoot came up Lisa decided to show the world that big is and can be beautiful – no matter what you go through in life.
To say she was nervous on the day was an absolute understatement. But – that is normal. Literally every woman who has been for a boudoir shoot sits on my sofa wondering what the heck she is doing there. WHY WHY WHY did she think it was a good idea!!
But after an hour of hair and makeup with Katie we soon had her giggling and relaxed. I’d asked Lisa to bring a slouchy sweater. I want to show the world that plus size boudoir doesn’t have to be about wearing skimpy underwear – you can look sexy in anything! You don’t have to be a size 0 – plus size ladies are beautiful too – in lingerie or sweaters!
So how did boudoir help?
Some of the photos are here for you to see – but for me the real results was the reaction when I showed Lisa and her husband the photos. They both cried. Lots. Her husband kept repeating how he had always thought she was beautiful – and how he was thrilled she could see it for herself now. Lisa said over and over again that she couldn’t believe she looked like that. It lifted her up, boosted her confidence and put a little extra ooh la la back into her world (the shoe shot was particular favourite for her husband!!) They go out on date nights again
So lovely lady- you are reading this and thinking hmmmmm……. I’m a plus size lady – I need to lose weight. I bet they can’t do anything with me. Well trust me. We can and we do. Why not give me a call? We can talk it through. Or join my Ballerina Fingers facebook group and talk to the ladies that have already seen how boudoir helped them
What will your Plus Size Boudoir Photoshoot look like?