50 over 50 Project ~ Chapter Two ~ No. 4 -Steph : Age 58

I’m an unpaid carer (on 24hr call) for my partner, my mum and my brother. I used to look after an elderly lady for over 10 years as well. Sadly she passed away last November. My caring duties are varied and often challenging meaning that I get little time to be ‘me’. It is extremely important that we, as carers, recognise the necessity of taking ‘time out’ to recharge our batteries and reconnect to our inner spirit; to find activities that allow us some down time, like reading, knitting, gardening, walking in the countryside; and to ensure that our relationships with family and friends are not put on the back burner for another day, or forgotten about!

I feel truly blessed to have been a part of the 50 over 50 project and I feel very honoured to have my story shared. I really am blown away by the stunning (if I may say) photos and I cannot believe that they’re actually of me! Through Sharon and Katie’s guidance and expert craftmanship, I have finally found that confident, sassy individual I lost some forty years ago! I’m hoping that, now I’ve found her, she’ll stay for a while yet!!!

50 over 50 project
Steph with Zack the sack

Five years ago, my colon was on the point of bursting as it was finer that tissue paper. (If it had, I would have died). After 35 years of living with severe ulcerative colitis, I had a total pan proctocolectomy and was fitted with an ileostomy (who I have cheekily named Zack the Sack!!!). He has literally enabled me to live my life to the fullest and I am so very grateful for his existence, even if, sometimes, his behaviour causes me to be stressed! I feel extremely honoured and very blessed to have been given the opportunity (through this 50 over 50 project) to show that, despite the scars, the human body is a beautiful one!

The devastatingly tragic passing of my granddaughter last year has reinforced in me how fragile our lives can be. It is true what they say … we too often stand beside someone knowing nothing of their inner struggles. I believe it is extremely important that we try and live mindfully of others.

WHAT IS YOUR MOST TREASURED POSSESSION? My family … my memories … my family’s history and traditions.




Hair & Make Up by Katie Calo Make Up Artist

Photographer Sharon Mallinson



Music by Audionautix.com

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