Why does a woman want to have a Boudoir session?
There are many, many answers to this question but my top 13 reasons to have a boudoir session are
1. Age – she can capture how good she looks at a certain age – 30, 40 , 50+

2. Divorce – yes really! It’s a new start. The closing of one chapter and the beginning of another
3. Showing Off -why not? Let her friends and the world see how good she feels and looks
4. Weight Loss – a boudoir session can be used as reward or a goal to aim for. It’s a fabulous incentive to get a shoot booked!

5. Following a new baby – a few months after the birth – a boudoir session can be the incentive to get the new mum’s figure back again and feel ultra sexy
6. Loss of a partner. Sadly this does happen and I have photographed a few of these boudoir sessions. I must say these clients are a joy to work with. For them it is all about a new start, new makeup/hairstyle or new beginnings or a new you
7. Breast Cancer – This can absolutely be the most rewarding boudoir sessions we have done. Total respect for the ladies who have had this done
8. Bridal Boudoir – the Gift of a Lifetime for the groom and a wonderful experience for the bride to be before her wedding day
9. Valentine Day – of course – such a sexy surprise!

11. Christmas Day – This is when I see a huge surge in gift vouchers – presented with a bottle of champagne and some sultry underwear that’s Christmas sorted guys!
12. Mothers Day – Another ideal time for that very special gift certificate. Mum’s need to feel special too!
13. A certain birthday – what a fabulous way to make it extra special

- So there you have it ladies – so many reasons why a boudoir session is booked. But whatever the reason – the most powerful outcome of the shoot is it is a huge confidence booster. So what’s your reason? Contact me for a chat – and lets change the way you feel about yourself forever